Invest Your Earnings Regularly to Live Your Dream in Retirement
It should have been easy! It would be easy, or at least I thought it would. I knew what was coming and knew what to do! Thankfully, I had used the magic of compound interest and early investing.
As it turned out, retirement was not easy for me either. It’s genuinely one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Retirement is a life-changing event that scores in the top ten stressful life events. Thankfully, I had learned the magic of compounding. I knew about compound interest and early investing. Investing my earnings regularly every pay period to take advantage of compound earnings allowed me to have more options in my retirement. It allowed me to live my dream!
If you want to be happy in retirement, I remember saying…start planning for it as soon as you begin working. Compound interest and early investing lead to successful retirement!
Retirement is stressful, no matter how much you plan. But there is one thing you can do to make retirement life much more enjoyable. When the shock settles down, you can decide what to do next. From my observation and experience, you’ll need more money in retirement, not less. The only way to have more, unless you hit it big on a lottery or inherit money, is to save money. Specifically, use compound interest and early investing to live your retirement dreams. Often called the magic of compounding interest, investing a certain percentage of your income regularly in a fund that provides compound interest means you’ll have more money and more options when you retire.
Live as if you’re going to die tomorrow; learn as if you’re going to live forever. – Mahatma Gandhi
I love learning but also adapt the adage to say:
Live as if you’re going to die tomorrow; plan as if you’re going to live forever.
As a benefits counselor, I used a simple chart to demonstrate the power of compound earnings. One person regularly invested money in an investment account, earning compound interest; the other didn’t. At retirement, the person investing had almost one million dollars in the investment account; the other had less than half of that. Look up the difference between simple and compound interest. See how compound interest and early investing will help you live your dreams. Start saving for your retirement now; use compound interest and early investing!
Miracle of Compounding
Marie Goff